Friday, July 23, 2010

My rooooooooooom!!!

My new bed! Very messy, of course. ;) I'm top bunk. The one with all the teddies.

Can you tell I love Horses?? I own most of these, except the hat on the left and 6 of the horses. We share 9 of them.

Mah pictures. :)

Tiana's dresser and our wardrobe.

My dresses and our shelf.

This room is gonna be mudded and painted at some point. But boy, it is GLORIOUS to be in a room bigger then a closet, and to be able to dance in it. :D

Onward, Marchers!

Love, the Paina

You capture: Black and white

You capture is black and white!

I was freaking out, cause I had no idea how to set the camera on black and white.

But I (And my glorious brain) Figured it out. So, here we go! All pictures are SOOC. :)

One of my favorite trilogies EVER!

Chickens. One of these is mine. His name's Ringo.

The PIANO!! Those marks you see are years of love and children.

A strawberry. Cause I can. ;)

Linda with her kitten Murdock.

Mothers letter opener. Its gold. And faded.

Murdock himself.

And those are them. Black and white!

Go see some more pictures!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

And another one gone...

Another one bites the dust!!

Sorry. Nobodies dying. It fits that fact that yet another of my brothers has gone.

Mr. Blinky! Or, rather, Daniel. (Mr. Blinky is my nickname for him. don't ask me why.)

He went to some crappy job at first, with some crazy German guy.

Didn't sit well with Mr. Blinky.

He left that place, with the promise of a job with Matt and Patrick.

He packed all of his stuff, so his desk and room are very sad.

Very very sad.

And therefore, with moms help, I will soon be movin' into the boys room turned GIRLS ROOM!!

For people who don't know, my current room is tiny.

Its the size of my cousins closet.

Its so small.

And the boys room is HUGE. The second biggest room in the house.

I will finally have a place for all my crap 'n' junk!

I'm very excited.

Tiana isn't so much, cause she says the boys room is the boys room.

Pshaw! I scoff and toss my head at you, Tia!

It will be claimed girly, no matter what!

I feel like waving a flag....


Anyways, Goodbye, dear brother of mine who crashed the van and blamed me for it, I love you!

You caged beast.

Oh yes.

Victory is sweet, and so are brothers.

Love, The Paina

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I wonder, is "Hurgh" A word? It's totally the definition of my day yesterday.

Our truck broke down, so we had to get a rent truck.

Which broke.

For some reason.

So we took it to the Ryder place, they fixed it, and we started.

The original truck you dump the bins, put them back and your done.

The rent truck, you take them on, strap them, and leave.

We do this to all the stores till the truck is filled up, then we go to the dump site.

We have to dump the bins ourselves, instead of the machine on our truck which does half.

Dumping thirty eight 400 pound bins is not a lot of fun.

Especially since Jay was felling sick so I dumped twenty three of them myself.

But we finally get done and head out again to do the rest of the stores. A little way down the road, me and Jay smell something like burning tires. So we pull over.

Jay turns to me, "I think we're doomed."

We jump out, and seeing the lake of oil pouring out of the truck.

Jay: "Yep. We're doomed."

I lay in the ditch on the grass, while Jay phones Dad, Ryder, and a repair guy. We get back in the truck and wait an hour and fifteen minutes for the repair guy. He comes, spends like 45 minutes checking it out, phones his company, and tells us he has to leave again. So he goes.

Its an hour for him to go there, and another to come back.

So I go for a walk, down the road. And come back to the truck.

The realize I need to go to the bathroom.

So I go to this Trucking place across the road and ask for a bathroom. A lady leads me into the "Employees" only door and takes me to a closet. "Back there." And she leaves.

I'm looking at all the shelves, mops and brooms and thinking "Okay....I'm in a closet."

I lock the door, turn and walk where she pointed, and behind a box sort of thing is a little toilet.

In a closet.


So, I go, and then leave the closet.

I get back in the truck and laugh and tell Jay about the closet.

Then I try to sleep, but the highway we're stuck by won't let me.

I jump back out and go for a walk down the highway.

I go for almost a mile, one couple stopped and asked if I needed a ride anywhere, and I said "No, thanks."

And then I went back and passed a house where Mennonite kids are playing, and they stop and stare at me.

They never quit, so I hurry by.

And get back into the truck.

An old man who lives in the house right by were we're stuck comes out and offers us pop. Freezing cold pop.

I wanted to hug him.

It was sooo hot in the truck, and our water bottles were lukewarm.

So I sat and sipped my Canada dry, and played M.A.S.H. hang man with Jay.

Finally the repair man came back, and took another 45 minutes to put it back together and fix it.

We were good!

We had stopped there at 2:14, and left at 7:20.

We tried to finish the run, and both of us were starving and tired.

We did all we could, till Jay gave up at 9:32.

So we headed home.

I kept going to sleep, and jerking awake and scolding myself for not keeping Jay awake. So I talked to him as best I could. And the radio was blaring.

Still, TWICE Jay fell asleep at the wheel and we drifted into the middle of that road, and I snapped "JAY!" And he came awake and yelled at me to stop yelling at him. I told him to quit scaring me. At Mitchel, he had to pull into the gas station and walk around.

I then gabbed on about anything and everything, trying to keep him awake and alert.

At last, at 12:00 we pulled into our driveway.

Thank God.

I ate some rice, cause Cat ate my chicken, went upstairs and fell asleep.

What a day.

Love, The Paina

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Busy week!!

Well. I had one great week this week! First off, had a sleepover at my wicked awesome friend Nicole's house.

There she is! (I claim rights over this picture. I took it. :D)
I had a blast. In fact, blast doesn't cover it. Explosion is more like it. XD

It was so much fun! One of the highlights was standing on the round-about with a cardboard sign we made that said 'Honk if you love CANADA!' And 27 cars honked. Also Saluting and bowing to truck drivers. Most of them saluted back laughing at us. And sitting in the trailer watching really old videos. Oh what the hey, the whole THING was a highlight.

Yeeeah.... We're weird.

Next, we came home, went to bed, woke up and went CAMPING!!

I looooove camping. I got to hang out with my Fabulous Family, I got as dirty as I wanted and nobody cared, I got to sit close to a fire, (I'm a pyromaniac, people.) Toss kids around, (Those cousins are solid!) and play hard soccer!!

Yep. I am livin' the good life.

We went for an awesome bike ride. Up hills. My thighs hurt.

We went to fireworks on the 30th too. One of my favorite ones was the curly fries. They were cool. They made whistling noises. :D

At fireworks I took Rebekah to go to the bathroom JUST before they started, so I picked her up and was quickly walking but some teens were in our way. So i waited till the one in front of me moved before I started running and the douche stepped in front of me on purpose and said "Whoops."

I pretty near knocked him over with my shoulder.

Heck yeah.

I go like a train, Baby.

And yes, me and Becky made it back in time to watch the fireworks. ;)

David took me and Tiana to London to help Haley with her paper route. It was fun! Thank you David. :)

The one bad thing was that I'm a dummy and carried three bags of papers at once. My shoulders are mad. Doy.

The second time we went to the beach I took of my glasses and put them in my backpack. But then, for some reason I can't explain, I put them back on.

Then I ran down the beach and dove into the water.


I lost them.

Plus I slammed my hip on a rock.


So Sarah and Linda (Love you guys!) Came down and helped me to look for them.

Soon everybody was down in the water looking. (Love you guys too)

I was super embarrassed and ashamed.

But Tianas lucky toe saved the day!

Tianas lucky toe doesn't bend. Its the strangest thing.

She grabbed it out of the water, I took them and handed them to The mother, and floated shivering with Tiana and Ethan on Matts floating arm chair.

I felt way better after eating soy ice cream. Thank you Patrick!! :D

Then Rachel arrived and asked me to take May for a run down the beach. I was thrilled of course, because I love May. So we zoomed down the beach and I stepped on a stick and smashed it.

Meh. Oh well. Just a stick.

I kept on trucking.

Till I bring May back and realize my foot stings. I brush off the bottom and jump into the Van and we go back.

Well...I found out I had ten little slivers and one big deep one. I pulled out most of the little ones, But the big one is still in there. Darn.

Quin begged Jeff to play a game of soccer: Kids vs Adults. Jeff agreed. I stepped onto the Adult goal, but Patrick kicked me off. (He ripped chunks out of his leg on his bike, I had sticks in my foot. We were the wounded goalies!) So I limped over to the Kids goal.

Good Gravy what a game.

Nate ____Jeff
Quin____ Tyler
Justin____ Linda
Mike____ Patrick
Heather____Sarah (For nine seconds)

Heather and Mike where on our team.

Mike, You're a great defense.

Heather, You're a great midfield.

And all the rest of you rotters on my team, GREAT JOB!

The game tied 3-3.

I was covered in grass and dew and dirt by the end, and my head was smarting from Daniel landing on it when I tackled him to the ground.

So, I leave this week with wounds and spectacular memories.

Roll onward!!

Love, the Paina