It MUST be true. I'm beginning to see the truth.
Because, a dead deer can make my day.
It wasn't ANY old deer, it was the position it was in.
Like a cartoon character.
Its legs stuck RIGHT OUT and its tongue was hanging out.
And I laughed uproariously while dad stared at me like I grew an extra head.
I felt kind of bad afterwards, cause I love deer.
And the day before I had seen three of them standing in the field with a slight mist. Perfect picture.
I also saw a Coyote carrying something dead near Trussler road.
I'm talking to YOU, Nicole. Keep your eyes open.
Not only do I laugh at dead things in funny positions, I laugh at other peoples pain.
Like somebody being an idiot and falling off a bike. Or showing off and falling on their butt on a skateboard.
Or Tiana heaving to much on a bin and being crushed by it. Her matter of fact "Help." When I found her was too much. I nearly peed myself laughing. I helped her up right away, but I think the person in there with us was having trouble keeping a straight face.
Me and Tiana are stared at a lot. Its not everyday you see two girls moving big bins and laughing hysterically.
And the snickers ad where Betty White gets tackled. Kills me. Everytime.
I wonder at myself when ever I see a flat pigeon on the highway and point and laugh, because someday P.E.T.A. and the Po Po are gonna chase me down, hogtie me, and drag me to an asylum. But until then, I'm going to point at every dead thing, every stupid person, And every crushed relative I have to rescue.
I am a weirdo.
Love, Elena the Paina.
My name is Elena. My brothers (I have five of them. FIVE.) nicknamed me Elena the Paina because I happen to have a temper. Mom says I am getting better, but you never know. I love all the animals I live with, books, and (although when I am supposed to be doing school its a nusiance.) daydreaming. I love God, and all my family, and all of my awesome friends.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween!! Time for tricks and treats!! And of course, FREAKY PEOPLE!!
Its tradition now, I believe; we go to Sarah's house for the Scary Party!
First up: Me. Mad Scientist.

Next. I thought it was Tiana...but it looks like a grumpy old man...Hmm.

Heidi, this Ninja princess!!
Chicken Boy, Now with frog flavour!

*Sniffs* Thought I smelled something. HANNAH!!
"What are you looking at? It wasn't meeeeh."
I don't know what Jeff is. First thing that popped into my head was "naaaaachooo Lebraaay!!"
He's very red.
Ceiling fan!! Adeena, you must have a boring life...
Tiana is very mad about all of this.

Linda's pretty upset too.

But she'll feel better if you give her a cookie.
Good Linda!!
Ranchers. Emma, Rebekah, And their horses. Ava and Woodster.


Fuzzy!! Its a leaf blower. Why is there a leaf blower in my pictures? Honestly....
Nobodies allowed to touch anything.
Agh! A Samurai!
He will kill you. Till you're DEAD. Right Ethan?
The knight is nicer. Aren't you, Michael?
Heather, the Treasure chest!!
Equipped with Camera. XD
Better watch out for snipers, Trenton!!
I'm gonna sic my ninja at you.
He bites.
Ride 'em, cowgirl!!
Rope it, Y'all!!
Oh no!! Another NINJA!!
You fiend!!
He has the POWAAAAAAAH!!
Link. In his red tunic.
Your a nerd, Critter.
Thats all I have for now. I love Halloween costumes!!
Dress on, Peeps!!
Love, The Paina.
Its tradition now, I believe; we go to Sarah's house for the Scary Party!
First up: Me. Mad Scientist.
Next. I thought it was Tiana...but it looks like a grumpy old man...Hmm.
Heidi, this Ninja princess!!
*Sniffs* Thought I smelled something. HANNAH!!
I don't know what Jeff is. First thing that popped into my head was "naaaaachooo Lebraaay!!"
Ceiling fan!! Adeena, you must have a boring life...
Tiana is very mad about all of this.
Linda's pretty upset too.
But she'll feel better if you give her a cookie.
Ranchers. Emma, Rebekah, And their horses. Ava and Woodster.
Fuzzy!! Its a leaf blower. Why is there a leaf blower in my pictures? Honestly....
Agh! A Samurai!
The knight is nicer. Aren't you, Michael?
Heather, the Treasure chest!!
Better watch out for snipers, Trenton!!
I'm gonna sic my ninja at you.
Ride 'em, cowgirl!!
Oh no!! Another NINJA!!
My horse will take you down.
Big game hunter, Eh Sarah? Carrying your previous kill around to flaunt him at us?
Your lions name is Ducky. How quaint.
The Jeni!! How eviiiiiiiil!!
Big game hunter, Eh Sarah? Carrying your previous kill around to flaunt him at us?
The Jeni!! How eviiiiiiiil!!
Link. In his red tunic.
Thats all I have for now. I love Halloween costumes!!
Dress on, Peeps!!
Love, The Paina.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hello, my loyal peeps.
Yeeeep, its been ages. But, I've been doing things, mostly useless.
Such as a photoshop war with my pal. (It was a draw, by the way.)
And, of course, facebook.
That website is one of the most annoying things ever. >.< Its so boring, yet I can't help being on it. *Sighs*
Anyways, now to more important things.
Like fear.
Fear is VERY real.
Some people boast they don't fear anything.
I for one, don't fear many things. But some things I can't help but fear.
For a whole year now, I've been terrified of driving at night. For one, because of the accident.
Two, because, driving at night, Jay went into the middle of the road, twice.
Three, also at night, Dad was turning the truck through an intersection, and it stalled. We missed the post by like, and a foot, almost went down the steep ditch.
Four, sometimes (And not the fault of the driver really.) We go off the road to the shoulder, and it freaks me out.
I know I should get over it, but I just can't. Not alone.
the only way I can get past fear, is with God.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Psalm 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
I know when I am afraid, that I can go to Him. So when we're driving at night, and a chill crawls up my back, I know that He is there for me. Protecting me. Delivering me FROM my fears.
Seriously, with God on my side, I need not fear ANYTHING but Him.
I love my Father.
In Christ,
The Paina.
Such as a photoshop war with my pal. (It was a draw, by the way.)
And, of course, facebook.
That website is one of the most annoying things ever. >.< Its so boring, yet I can't help being on it. *Sighs*
Anyways, now to more important things.
Like fear.
Fear is VERY real.
Some people boast they don't fear anything.
I for one, don't fear many things. But some things I can't help but fear.
For a whole year now, I've been terrified of driving at night. For one, because of the accident.
Two, because, driving at night, Jay went into the middle of the road, twice.
Three, also at night, Dad was turning the truck through an intersection, and it stalled. We missed the post by like, and a foot, almost went down the steep ditch.
Four, sometimes (And not the fault of the driver really.) We go off the road to the shoulder, and it freaks me out.
I know I should get over it, but I just can't. Not alone.
the only way I can get past fear, is with God.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Psalm 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
I know when I am afraid, that I can go to Him. So when we're driving at night, and a chill crawls up my back, I know that He is there for me. Protecting me. Delivering me FROM my fears.
Seriously, with God on my side, I need not fear ANYTHING but Him.
I love my Father.
In Christ,
The Paina.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sixteen tomorrow!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Marinelaaaand party time!
Hiyah, everybody!! As some of you might know, we went to Marineland with the Matthews, and yes, of course, it was awesome. And there are lots of pictures. ;)
In The Beast on our way to Niagara. We were dancing, hence the reason our hand are fuzzy.
Becca, Zach and Critter kept hiding from the camera. Pshaw, their loss.
The randon ship by...Lake Ontario I think.

Another lake shot. I was so proud whenever I got it.

On the bridge.
The siiiiiign!! And, I believe we took a wrong turn at first, but then we found our way!

At the gate! YES!!

Scariest ride at Marineland. *Shudders*

The Viking ride! (I was kicking myself at the end of the day, because i didn't take pictures of all the rides! Grr.)
It was empty, so we sat across the boat from one another.

Orca screamer! The first ride I ever rode there.


We were all very terrified.

So very terrified.

Look how distraught we are.

We hated it so much, Nicole pushed it over.

THIS was horrible! It went a speed off 1 mile per hour!!

We begged to be let out, it was so fast.

The woman just laughed cruelly, and sped it up to TWO MPH!!

Bears. Because they're cool.

A bird. Because it was there.

"I've got one leg! JUST ONE DANG LEG!!"

Killer whale. He says "CHEESE!!"

He was awesome.

And he got me wet.

I think I'm in love.
He could swim upside down!

I know he loves me back.

The Beluga was jealous. He loved me too.

The FASTEST ride!! A whopping 1 mph is a lot of speed, you know.

The boring fish ride. It was dumb.

The AWESOME flying dragon. I have no idea how many times we rode this thing.

The funny thing was, there were to adults who couldn't open their eyes, and after like 6 times of being on it I was with ease about not holding onto the handle, which they wouldn't let go of if i had offered them a trillion dollars.

SKY SCREAMER!!!!!!!!! *Shrieks* the most awful ride, no jokes there. I was SILENT. And lots off people know that when I am truly scared, I make no sound. So, as we went up and down, down up, up down, PAAAAAUSE AT THE TOP, down up up down....Everyone but me screamed. (Everyone being me, Tiana and Nicole.) Guess how many times we rode that? 1...2...3..4 times. The three times it was just us three, and at the last Linda came on. Booyeah.

The next best ride (Even though Sky Screamer caused me to lose three lives, it was the best.)

I honestly don't know how many times we rode this one.

"I vill eet your cheeldren!! Bwa ha ha haaar!"

The tea cup ride. Which was fun.

Cept we'd all slide down the seat and crush eachother....

Big huge fish.


"Hello, my love! Don't go with that horrible Killer whale! Be with MEEEEE."

"I will hug you, kiss you, and call you George!"

"Here is your wedding ring. Its big, like my love for you!"

"Ha. That dumb Beluga has no idea. I'm Awesome."
Yeeeah....I choose the Orca.
My souvenirs! The walrus I got, and Nicole got me, Tiana and her a little Killer whale.

So, that concludes my Marineland post. :D
Rock on, peeps!!
Love, The Paina
In The Beast on our way to Niagara. We were dancing, hence the reason our hand are fuzzy.
Becca, Zach and Critter kept hiding from the camera. Pshaw, their loss.
Another lake shot. I was so proud whenever I got it.
On the bridge.
At the gate! YES!!
Scariest ride at Marineland. *Shudders*
The Viking ride! (I was kicking myself at the end of the day, because i didn't take pictures of all the rides! Grr.)
Orca screamer! The first ride I ever rode there.
We were all very terrified.
So very terrified.
Look how distraught we are.
We hated it so much, Nicole pushed it over.
THIS was horrible! It went a speed off 1 mile per hour!!
We begged to be let out, it was so fast.
The woman just laughed cruelly, and sped it up to TWO MPH!!
Bears. Because they're cool.
A bird. Because it was there.
"I've got one leg! JUST ONE DANG LEG!!"
Killer whale. He says "CHEESE!!"
He was awesome.
And he got me wet.
I think I'm in love.
He could swim upside down!
I know he loves me back.
The Beluga was jealous. He loved me too.
The FASTEST ride!! A whopping 1 mph is a lot of speed, you know.
The boring fish ride. It was dumb.
The AWESOME flying dragon. I have no idea how many times we rode this thing.
The funny thing was, there were to adults who couldn't open their eyes, and after like 6 times of being on it I was with ease about not holding onto the handle, which they wouldn't let go of if i had offered them a trillion dollars.
SKY SCREAMER!!!!!!!!! *Shrieks* the most awful ride, no jokes there. I was SILENT. And lots off people know that when I am truly scared, I make no sound. So, as we went up and down, down up, up down, PAAAAAUSE AT THE TOP, down up up down....Everyone but me screamed. (Everyone being me, Tiana and Nicole.) Guess how many times we rode that? 1...2...3..4 times. The three times it was just us three, and at the last Linda came on. Booyeah.
The next best ride (Even though Sky Screamer caused me to lose three lives, it was the best.)
I honestly don't know how many times we rode this one.
"I vill eet your cheeldren!! Bwa ha ha haaar!"
The tea cup ride. Which was fun.
Cept we'd all slide down the seat and crush eachother....
Big huge fish.
"Hello, my love! Don't go with that horrible Killer whale! Be with MEEEEE."
"I will hug you, kiss you, and call you George!"
"Here is your wedding ring. Its big, like my love for you!"
"Ha. That dumb Beluga has no idea. I'm Awesome."
The Walrus! His/her name was Sushi. Weird.

Dancin' dolpins!

I forget what he was doing....

Blowing bubbles.

Being there.

Mr. Flab baldy bald fat fat.

At first, I thought she was holding a toilet brush.

"Iiiiiii JUMP!!"

"I do too!"

"I Flip backwards!"

"I do to!"

"I kill you!"

"I run away!"

Yes, the are swimming upside down. No, its not photo shopped.

Aaaaaaa swim a swim!

The seals.

Dive dive dive!

I had it on a bad setting for these.

"Flaming shield toss."

"His names Olaf. Olaf. Olaf. He's Olaf. Olaf."
ME!! With a real smile, that only Nicole can seem to make me do when a cameras pointed at me.

The rest of the peoples (Except Linda and Vicky, who had dropped us off by the side of the rode to see the falls since it was a no stop zone.)

Somebody stole the 'R'. The NERVE!

The falls. At night.

I'm pretty sure thats USA right there. Maybe not.

Dancin' dolpins!
I forget what he was doing....
Blowing bubbles.
Being there.
Mr. Flab baldy bald fat fat.
At first, I thought she was holding a toilet brush.
"Iiiiiii JUMP!!"
"I do too!"
"I Flip backwards!"
"I do to!"
"I kill you!"
"I run away!"
Yes, the are swimming upside down. No, its not photo shopped.
Aaaaaaa swim a swim!
The seals.
Dive dive dive!
I had it on a bad setting for these.
"Flaming shield toss."
"His names Olaf. Olaf. Olaf. He's Olaf. Olaf."
The rest of the peoples (Except Linda and Vicky, who had dropped us off by the side of the rode to see the falls since it was a no stop zone.)
Somebody stole the 'R'. The NERVE!
The falls. At night.
I'm pretty sure thats USA right there. Maybe not.
My souvenirs! The walrus I got, and Nicole got me, Tiana and her a little Killer whale.
So, that concludes my Marineland post. :D
Rock on, peeps!!
Love, The Paina
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